Monday 24 November 2014

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is a solemn day in which Countries such as: Canada, America, Britain, New Zealand, Australia, etc: honor the men and woman who have and will continue to sacrifice their lives to keep our freedom alive.

Our own school follows this tradition by holding an annual Remembrance Day assembly. The assembly took place on  Friday Nov. 7th. The feeling in the air was that of sorrow and respect. You could here the sadness in our veteran guests voices. It was humbling.
Mr. Pue did most of the talking.
Members of the Drama Club performed a skit based on a classic Remembrance Day poem.
The Choir sang a number of songs throughout the assembly.
Two students from Betty Gilbert read a poem about Remembrance Day.
Our principal Mr. Puesic, the Superintendent and Our esteemed military experienced guests.
Lest We Forget.

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