Saturday 10 January 2015

My families Christmas traditions.

My families tradition dealing up to the day of Christmas is basically just having as many dinners as possible. It gets to the point where we all hate the sight of turkey for weeks after.
We all just want to spend as much time as possible together for the whole season, that's about it 'tradition' wise.
On the day of Christmas it is a very cliche day. We all get up at a terrible hour and head straight for our stockings. After everyone is awake and has a cup of coffee in their hands, we start opening gifts.
This lasts for about two hours and is usually a very exciting part of the WHOLE year.

After a awesome breakfast, I get driven to my dad's house in Surrey to repeat the process for another few hours.

After being returned to my mother, we go to a Christmas dinner at a relative's house, after that we just get ready for boxing day which I generally like just as much, if not more than Christmas day itself.

 - Tyler

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