Saturday 10 January 2015

Chocolate covered raspberry cream puffs

- Tyler

My families Christmas traditions.

My families tradition dealing up to the day of Christmas is basically just having as many dinners as possible. It gets to the point where we all hate the sight of turkey for weeks after.
We all just want to spend as much time as possible together for the whole season, that's about it 'tradition' wise.
On the day of Christmas it is a very cliche day. We all get up at a terrible hour and head straight for our stockings. After everyone is awake and has a cup of coffee in their hands, we start opening gifts.
This lasts for about two hours and is usually a very exciting part of the WHOLE year.

After a awesome breakfast, I get driven to my dad's house in Surrey to repeat the process for another few hours.

After being returned to my mother, we go to a Christmas dinner at a relative's house, after that we just get ready for boxing day which I generally like just as much, if not more than Christmas day itself.

 - Tyler

What is a Storyboard?

What is a storyboard?
A storyboard is a graphic planner in the form of drawings or pictures shown in sucession for the purpose of pre-planning a movie, animation and many other forms of entertainment.

They are heavily used in: comic books, graphic novels, movies, television, music videos etc.
Their purpose is to give directors, playwrights, actors a visual aid when making the progression from idea to screen.
Storyboard for a Harry Potter movie.

                                               Jousting scene created by a storyboard
                                                     (Credit to Mike Koizumi)

- Tyler

Monday 24 November 2014


Halloween was originally a Celtic festival called "Samhain" which was used to mark the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. 
  They also believed this transition from fall to winter was a bridge to the world of the dead.

Today's Halloween is much different. While it still has a somewhat "darker" theme to it unlike most other holidays, Halloween has become very family friendly. It is a custom to have younger children dress up and then roam around the neighbourhood asking for candy from strangers. 
   While adults; decorate their homes, hand out candy or dress up themselves and go to Halloween themed parties. Halloween is a very different holiday than thousands of years ago.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is a solemn day in which Countries such as: Canada, America, Britain, New Zealand, Australia, etc: honor the men and woman who have and will continue to sacrifice their lives to keep our freedom alive.

Our own school follows this tradition by holding an annual Remembrance Day assembly. The assembly took place on  Friday Nov. 7th. The feeling in the air was that of sorrow and respect. You could here the sadness in our veteran guests voices. It was humbling.
Mr. Pue did most of the talking.
Members of the Drama Club performed a skit based on a classic Remembrance Day poem.
The Choir sang a number of songs throughout the assembly.
Two students from Betty Gilbert read a poem about Remembrance Day.
Our principal Mr. Puesic, the Superintendent and Our esteemed military experienced guests.
Lest We Forget.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

The Terry Fox Run

We started the morning off with a video presentation from Mr. Crowley about Terry Fox and his struggles. All the students in the middle school AND our high school were in attendance. It was a very touching and inspiring video.
Students from Betty Gilbert and ACSS take part in the run.

After the video presentation the middle school students were dismissed to run first. About 10 minutes later, everyone was running. It was great to see everyone come together for an amazing cause.
These gents enjoyed the cool fall air during their walk 

It was a great Terry Fox run. Everyone participated; from the grade 6 students all the way up to the Faculty members. We as a community should all be proud of our schools and continue to raise awareness of this heart-breaking condition.
Mr.Reeves gives a friendly wave as he speeds bye.
